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Who:  Guest presenter Erika Muecke
What: Member Meeting:  
Where:  City Lights Art Gallery
When: Thursday May 18 
Time:  6:30 pm
Bring a snack to share.
Topic:  Trust the Process
One of humanities greatest fears is the fear of the unknown.  In the world of art this unknown is surely translated to the beginning of the creative process. The uncertainty in making has stalled even the greatest and renowned artists. It leads many to disappointment and frustration, only two things are needed to conquer this fear and they are creativity and trust. Join our Member Meeting  and guest Erika Muecke as she works through her personal creative process and shares her journey of trust through a variety of her works and techniques. Conquer your fear and trust the process!

This is an in person meeting being held at City Lights Art Gallery.
3 East Army Street, Henderson, NV 89015

Member Meetings take place on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm, September to May.

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